Studies in plant biology in the Division of Biological Sciences span scales from genes to landscapes, explore a diverse array of biological phenomena, and employ an extensive range of approaches. Areas of particular concentration include growth and development, cell biology, species conservation and biodiversity, plant-insect interactions, genetics and genomics, evolution, and ecology. Faculty and students benefit from state-of-the-art plant growth facilities and various campus research core facilities as well as a larger, interactive community of plant biologists through the Interdisciplinary Plant Group.


Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

The genetic and metabolic control of seed amino acids’ composition

Research Geneticist, Plant Genetics Research Unit, USDA-ARS

The genetic and hormonal control of plant architecture

Curators’ Distinguished Professor of Biological Sciences

Chromosome evolution and function in plants and fruit fly

Professor of Biological Sciences and Plant Sciences

Genetic control of carbon partitioning in plants

Principal Investigator, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Gene regulatory mechanisms controlling plant architecture traits in cereal crops

Research Geneticist & Lead Scientist, USDA-ARS

The genetics and consequences of maize domestication and breeding

Assistant Professor

Mechanisms of bacterial pathogenesis shaping plant-microbe interactions

Professor of Biological Sciences

Genetic control of phototropism in plants

Professor of Biological Sciences

Genetic regulation of meristem function in plants

Professor of Biological Sciences; Principal Investigator, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Determining how transposable elements become epigenetically silenced

Preparing Future Faculty for Inclusive Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow

Interspecific interactions in community modulation

Curators’ Distinguished Professor Emeritus

Molecular mechanisms regulating cellular signaling in plants

Research Geneticist, Plant Genetics Research Unit, USDA-ARS

Understanding and predicting the genetic and physiological basis of plant phenotypes

Assistant Professor

Plant-microbe interactions with single-cell and spatial resolution
