How To Give
When you support the Biological Sciences at Mizzou, you help support world-class education and facilitate research discoveries in environmental conservation, food production, genetic diseases, cancer and more. Your gift — no matter the amount — can have a lasting impact on our students, faculty, and programs.
- You can make a gift online to the Division of Biological Sciences at this GIVE DIRECT site.
- To talk with someone directly about giving to the Division of Biological Sciences, please contact Dr. David Schulz, Professor and Chair, at

Division of Biological Sciences Gift Fund
Your gift helps support the Division’s research, teaching, and service missions
Other Endowments
The Blackburn-Hesemann Scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in biological sciences or a related field in the College of Arts and Science with a cumulative college GPA of at least 3.0 and an expressed desire to pursue a career in life sciences or medicine; recipient will preferably be a graduate of a high school in Boone County and from a family whose earnings are below the median income for Boone Countians. Strong preference given to historically disadvantaged minorities. The scholarship covers tuition and fees. This scholarship is made available by an endowment established by Jan Weaver and James Carrel in honor of Frances M. Blackburn and Wilhelmina Hesemann.
The Clarence Clinton Crouch Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award is given annually to one or more undergraduates majoring in biological sciences who have demonstrated academic excellence and who plan to use the award to support their personal and professional growth (e.g., study abroad, or a summer off-campus research opportunity or internship). This award is made possible by an endowment established by W. H. Crouch in memory of his brother Clarence Crouch who studied zoology at MU.
The Winterton Conway Curtis Scholarship supports off-campus research activities of graduate students. Generally limited to support of travel expenses or subsistence expenses, althought tuition costs for extended short courses will be considered. Awarded on the basis of the scientific merit of the proposed activity and its relevance to the student’s program. Preference will be given to applicants proposing summer attendance at a marine biological station. Professor Curtis was a faculty member in the Department of Zoology from 1901-1946.
The Jeanette and Herbert Fisher Endowment for Genetics Research in Biological Sciences is to be used for unrestricted support of genetics research within the Division of Biological Sciences.
The John C. Hagan, III, M.D., and Rebecca J. Hagan Opportunities for Excellence in Biological Sciences is given annually to one or more undergraduates who have demonstrated academic excellence and who plan to use the award to support their professional growth (e.g., to study abroad or to accept an off-campus summer research opportunity or internship).
The John I. Hardy Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award is given annually to one or more outstanding seniors recognized for their academic achievements, the quality of their independent research projects, and their extracurricular contributions to the division and to the university. This award is made available by an endowment established by Thora Hardy in memory of John I. Hardy.
The Dr. Philip and Betty Jen Neuroscience Student Travel Award Fund shall be given to a neuroscience graduate student in the Division of Biological Sciences in the College of Arts and Science (with or without affiliation with the Interdisciplinary Neuroscience Program). The award will be used for student travel expenses to attend professional meetings and/or conferences. The endowment was bestowed by the Jen family in recognition of Dr. Philip Jen’s lifelong dedication to the neuroscience field and graduate student education at the University of Missouri.
The Richard F. & Sharon A. Keister Faculty Enhancement Endowment in the College of Arts and Science shall be used to attract outstanding faculty, reward faculty excellence, or promote faculty retention in the Division of Biological Sciences and the Department of Mathematics.
The Knotts and Williamson Families Endowment in Biological Sciences is to be used to support graduate student research in the areas of ecological and evolutionary biology within the Division of Biological Sciences.
The Ethel Sue Lumb Award provides fellowships for eligible graduate students of good moral character who are in need of financial aid. Awarded on the basis of the scientifc merit of the proposed activity and its relevance to the student’s program. Graduate students who have recently completed their comprehensive exam and/or their coursework and are more than one year away from graduation are encouraged to apply. Selected recipients will receive a one-time $2,000 award added to their stipend.
The Mary Margaret McCarty Scholarship supports off-campus research activities of graduate students. Generally limited to support of travel expenses or subsistence expenses, althought tuition costs for extended short courses will be considered. Awarded on the basis of the scientific merit of the proposed activity and its relevance to the student’s program.
The Laura Nahm Outstanding Undergraduate Scholar Award is given annually to one or more outstanding seniors recognized for their academic achievements, the quality of their independent research projects, and their extracurricular contributions to the division and to the university. This award is made available by an endowment established in memory of Laura Nahm who earned four degrees at MU: BS (Education), BA (Zoology), MA (Biological Sciences) and PhD (Biological Sciences). Dr. Nahm was the first female faculty member at Central Missouri State University with a Ph.D. and was the chair of Biology at Central when she retired.
The Ernest J. Palmer Memorial Scholarship supports undergraduate and graduate student research in the fields of paleontology and systematic botany. This scholarship is alternated annually between the Department of Geological Sciences and the Division of Biological Sciences. Recipients are encouraged to spend some time cataloging or otherwise taking care of the Palmer Collections. This scholarship was established in memory of Professor Ernest J. Palmer, a noted botanist and plant collector.
This endowment shall be used to provide annual awards to an assistant or associate faculty member in the Division of Biological Sciences in recognition of research excellence.
The Jonas Viles Jr. Scholarship is awarded to an undergraduate student in biological sciences to support off-campus research activities. Award is based on the scientific merit of the proposed activity and relevance to the student’s undergraduate program.
The Professor Stanley Zimmering Prize in Biology is awarded annually to one or more graduating seniors with outstanding records who plan academic careers in research and teaching, and who have been accepted into PhD programs in genetics or molecular biology, preferably at universities outside the University of Missouri system. Recipients are nominated by faculty and selected by the scholarship committee. Professor Zimmering, an emeritus professor of biology and medicine at Brown University in Providence, R.I., earned his doctorate in genetics from MU.
This memorial fund honors Professor Troy D. Zars, a celebrated neurobiologist at the University of Missouri and a beloved colleague, mentor, teacher, and friend, who passed away prematurely in December 2018.
Help make this a permanent endowment by donating through Mizzou Give Direct.
This endowment supports the next generation of biologists by providing one to two annual travel awards for graduate students to do research or attend professional meetings and conferences.
This fund helps support field experiences for undergraduate students.
Help make this a permanent endowment by donating through Mizzou Give Direct.