The Division of Biological Sciences is actively building our research strength in quantitative and computational biology. Research projects share a common interest in using advanced mathematical and computational approaches to study fundamental problems in biology. Areas of particular interest include ecological, neurological, and evolutionary modeling in plant and animal species. Research in this area benefits from the MU Informatics Institute and the Informatics Research Core Facility.


Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

The genetic and metabolic control of seed amino acids’ composition

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Establishment and maintenance of epithelial tissue architecture

Assistant Research Professor of Biological Sciences

Establishment and maintenance of epithelial tissue architecture

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Genomic approaches to the study of life history evolution

Postdoctoral Fellow - Xu Lab

CRISPR/Cas-based gene editing in Daphnia system

Research Scientist - Schulz Lab

Genetics and data mining of multi-modal datasets for translational research

Professor of Biological Sciences; Principal Investigator, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center

Determining how transposable elements become epigenetically silenced

Preparing Future Faculty for Inclusive Excellence Postdoctoral Fellow

Interspecific interactions in community modulation

Postdoctoral Fellow - King Lab

Evolution of complex traits in laboratory fruit fly populations

Research Geneticist, Plant Genetics Research Unit, USDA-ARS

Understanding and predicting the genetic and physiological basis of plant phenotypes

Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

Evolutionary and environmental genetics
