Vertebrate musculoskeletal physiology, form, and function
Research Description
Research in our lab focuses on vertebrate musculoskeletal form, ontogeny, and function in the contexts of animal feeding, locomotion, and evolution. Recently, we are often working on computational projects aimed at developing tools and techniques for visualizing 3D imaging and complex data sets. These data come from, for example, large longitudinal studies of human craniofacial growth, three-dimensional data on muscle structure from contrast-enhanced CT imaging, and long-term studies of mice selected for high levels of voluntary activity. With these data, we seek to understand patterns of human growth and variation, how the internal architecture of muscle is reflected in patterns of force generation, and how exercise alters the musculoskeletal system and locomotion.
Awards and Honors
Gold Chalk Award for Graduate Teaching, 2019
School of Medicine Award for Outstanding Preclinical Faculty Education, 2017
Ann K. Covington Award for Undergraduate Mentoring, 2017
Selected Publications
See Google Scholar for a list of Dr. Middleton's publications