Scholarships & Awards
Scholarships & Awards
The Division of Biological Sciences recognizes academic achievement with the following endowed awards and scholarships. We invite you to apply for the following outstanding student awards, but you must select only one award category (Outstanding Senior Research Award, Outstanding Senior Scholar, Zimmering Prize in Biology, Blackburn-Hesemann).
Given to students who have excelled as undergraduate researchers as evidenced by presentations and/or publications while maintaining a high level of academic achievement in rigorous STEM courses. The award is open to students graduating in the fall, spring, or summer semester of the current academic year.
This award comes with a certificate and a monetary award. Awardees will be recognized at our Spring Honors Celebration.
Materials to submit:
- 1-page resume, including details about research experiences, presentations (including name of conference, location, date, etc.), publications (full citations), post-graduation plans, travel grants, and other awards or relevant information
- 1-page personal statement about your research achievements and how your education and training in biology has influenced your post-graduation career plans.
- A copy of your unofficial transcript (how to obtain an unofficial transcript)
- Name and email of one professor or research mentor who will provide a letter of support.
Given to students who have a prolonged track-record of engagement in biology-related activities beyond the classroom. The award is open to students graduating in the fall, spring, or summer semester of the current academic year.
This award comes with a certificate and a monetary award. Awardees will be recognized at our Spring Honors Celebration.
Materials to submit:
- 1-page resume, including details (as applicable) memberships in student groups and organizations, community engagement, internships, study abroad, volunteer work, teaching experiences, and your post-graduation plans.
- 1-page personal statement about your research achievements and how your education and training in biology has influenced your post-graduation career plans.
- A copy of your unofficial transcript (how to obtain an unofficial transcript)
- Name and email of one professor or research mentor who will provide a letter of support.
Awarded to an undergraduate or a Masters’ level student who has been accepted to a PhD program in the life sciences. Nominees will be assessed on their level of research productivity and academic excellence as evidenced by presentations and/or publications while maintaining a high standard of academic achievement.
This award comes with a certificate and a monetary award. Awardees will be recognized at our Spring Honors Celebration.
Materials to submit:
- 1-page resume, including details about research experiences, presentations (including name of conference, location, date, etc.), publications (full citations), post-graduation plans, travel grants, and other awards or relevant information
- 1-page personal statement about your research achievements and how your education and training in biology has influenced your post-graduation career plans.
- A copy of your unofficial transcript (how to obtain an unofficial transcript)
- Name and email of one professor or research mentor who will provide a letter of support.
Given to rising sophomores, juniors, or seniors majoring in Biological Sciences who have a desire to pursue a career in the life sciences or medicine and have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater. Applicants must have financial need as determined by the Office of Student Financial Aid, and while students from any locality may apply, preference will be given to students graduating high school from Boone County or nearby areas.
Competitive applicants will have a track-record of academic excellence, prolonged engagement in biology-related activities outside the classroom, and/or prolonged engagement in the local community (e.g. Boone and/or surrounding counties). Evidence of active engagement could include leadership in STEM or academic organizations, internships, developing/leading volunteer activities, work experiences, efforts to promote relationships between MU and the surrounding community, or other similar experiences.
Materials to submit:
- 1-page resume that includes your graduating high school (including city and state) and details about (as applicable) your work experiences, volunteer activities (including names of organizations, dates, activities), memberships in student groups and organizations, and honors and achievements.
- 1-page personal statement about your research achievements and how your education and training in biology has influenced your post-graduation career plans.
- A copy of your unofficial transcript (how to obtain an unofficial transcript)
- Name and email of one professor or research mentor who will provide a letter of support.
Click on the button below to apply for one of these awards. You will be prompted to provide the name and email of the person who is willing to provide a letter in support of your application and upload all the necessary materials (compiled as a single PDF file).
The deadline for nominations is April 4, 2025.
The Division of Biological Sciences gratefully acknowledges the following generous endowments that make these awards possible.
- Nahm Sisters Endowment Fund
- Jonathan Marc Zimmering and Professor Stanley Zimmering Endowed Fund
- John I. Hardy Endowment
- Blackburn-Hesemann Scholarship Fund
- Clarence Clinton Crouch Endowment Fund
- Mary Margaret McCarty Scholarship in Biology
- Earnest J. Palmer Memorial Scholarship Fund